Inspiration for Transformation
Why You Need to do A Year-End Review
"Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful." Margaret Wheatley The week between Christmas and New [...]
How to Protect Your Time and Energy and Restore Your Passion
Do you have the energy to "do" the stuff that is most important to You? Is your time aligned to get this important stuff done? With our post-pandemic world beginning to open up, I' [...]
Are you tired of Being Stuck? Mindset Hacks to Get You Unstuck
Mindset, schmindset! What's all the noise about mindset? Well, your mindset is fundamental to how you experience the world. It influences what you see as possible and the actions y [...]
My Path to Transformation {How We Become Who We Are}
Your journey is your journey, no one else's. This journey includes your background, history, upbringing combined with your strengths and life experiences that make you unique. Las [...]
Celebrating National Women’s History Month {How to get more involved}
My love of American history really began in high school. My favorite teacher made learning exciting and engaging. I was interested, and his teaching made learning easy and fun. We [...]
How to Move From Fear to Courage: Your Journey to Fulfillment
How do you use fear to muster the courage needed for fulfillment? I've been focused on fear now for the past several weeks. What started as a blog writing project about moving from [...]