I saw this image and thought of the saying “if you’re looking for a sign, this is it.”

And then I thought of my community of inspired leaders and entrepreneurs.

Just because we are rising to the top of our game doesn’t mean we’ve figured it all out.

Quite the contrary…

Sometimes, we need a sign. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we don’t have to go it alone.

I’ve found that the more successful you are as a leader or entrepreneur, the more you need a trusted ally to help you stay true to your dreams and live as you’ve already fulfilled your greatest goals.

Being able to execute our jobs or run our businesses requires a level of engagement and insight that is best gained by collaboration and support.

Sure, we could go it alone…but I’ve got a question for you — in my best Dr. Phil voice “how’s that workin’ for ya?”

Or we can fast-track our success, lessen our stress and finally make the breakthroughs we have been craving.

One of the most powerful questions I ask my clients is:

“What would your life look like if you fulfilled your goals?”

Think about that for just a moment.

Call up the most important goal you have for this year and think about what your life would look like.

Would you be happier? Healthier? Wealthier? Less Stressed? Able to contribute at a higher level?

Now, switch your language around a bit.

“What will my life look like when I fulfill ____________ goal?”

Be specific on the goal and fill in the blank.

Will and when…that’s what I call standing in your future, fulfilled.

If not now…when, ?

Your work should be fulfilling, not draining.

Life shouldn’t suck the LIFE out of you!

If you feel stuck, uninspired or a little bit frustrated that it’s already March 2020 and you’re still dealing with the same issues, (not to mention that you haven’t moved the needle as far as you wanted or needed) then I invite you to join me.

I’ll be hosting a free live webinar on March 24th at 10:30 am PST for leaders and entrepreneurs just like you.

When you join me, I’ll help you:

  • Discover why you keep allowing and attracting stumbling blocks into your life — and how to get off of that merry-go-round
  • Create a compelling vision built on your dreams and passions — one that can’t be shoved to the side
  • Close the gap between your dreams, goals and your current reality — so that you can experience success and fulfillment at a higher level
  • Finally, get the support you need to take control and Live an Extraordinary Life

Sign Up Here

Let me show you the exact vision creating process that has helped my clients create more success and fulfillment.

Here’s the truth — you probably can’t work harder to get what you want.

Work, or effort, isn’t usually the problem.

In the webinar, I’ll show you exactly what’s holding you back.

I do hope you’ll join me on March 24th.

One of my clients recently went through the process that I’ll be teaching in the webinar and had this to say:

“Tyra has given me invaluable tools and insights that have moved my game in life forward, producing very important impacts in several areas of my life. She is intuitive and highly trained, which helps her identify how to truly change someone’s life in a meaningful way.” A.S.

Living Your Extraordinary Life

A guide for turning chaos into order to create a life of passion & purpose…

Are you saying, “I don’t want to be here anymore?”
Are you ready to go from “now what” to “what now” and live an extraordinary with more freedom, passion, and fun?

If this sounds like you, then the time is NOW to create and start living your extraordinary life! With clarity, energy, and courage, you’ll be on your way to living an extraordinary life every day with more freedom, power and joy than you’ve ever had before.

This FREE ebook is filled with exercises that help you define your Now What Vision and Purpose!